Sunday, January 20, 2008

Construction Equipment Auctions Slogans, Part One

Are you involved in advertising, by any chance? Well, if you are, or if you have some idea of how it goes, you can probably understand the predicament we copywriters find ourselves in day in and day out. Fact of the matter is, it just becomes harder and harder for us to stay original and effective. This difficulty is due to one reason: all the good ideas are already taken! Take my assignment with construction equipment auctions, for example.

There are so many advertisements out there that would have been perfect to market these auctions, but none of them can be used anymore because the brains behind their conception immediately had them copyrighted. Still, we can't help but think about what could have been if construction equipment auctions managed to beat out the companies in question for their respective slogans.

So join us for a moment as we go over the slogans we just wish we had thought of first. And forgive our frivolous need to justify that we did, and imagine the multi-billion dollar corporations just stole our ideas and profited off our brilliance.

1. When you got it, flaunt it. (Braniff Airlines)

Without a doubt, this is one of the better fits for construction equipment auctions. These auctions boast an impressive plethora of equipment of all types and brands, from lightweight tools to heavy-duty machinery.

Practically every piece of construction equipment for sale or lease can be found in these auctions, particularly those that you can join online. You could even be looking for something that people generally don't even know about, equipment that you know for a fact is nearly impossible to come by, and find it at one of these auctions.

And not only are the chances good that these auctions have got what you're looking for, they usually offer it at a fraction of the price you would pay if you found it on the market. So why shouldn't they flaunt that?

2. Reassuringly Expensive. (Stella Artois)

Great slogan, but for it to apply to construction equipment auctions, it has to be edited a bit. . Putting quality products that meet your budget up for sale is what these auctions are known for, after all.

Of course, changing that slogan would do away with the oxymoronic air of the slogan, somewhat lessening its impact, so maybe it is best suited to Stella Artois. And that is the only reason why the accomplished Belgian beer company is the only corporation on this list that hasn't received a copy of our hate mail.

We wish this was the end of the list, but the truth is it's far from over. There are plenty more companies that took away potential slogans for construction equipment auctions. Want to know who the rest are? Read on.

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